
Un petit village rythmé jadis par l’exploitation de la glace puis de la bauxite. Dans la forêt voisine, la glacière de Pivaut, entièrement restaurée, offre une agréable balade et permet de découvrir le processus de fabrication de la glace.
Set clinging to the northern face of the Sainte Baume hills, this village rose to fame as a major producer of ice, then of bauxite. Mazaugues' numerous natural springs and particularly cool climate naturally led to the creation of ice cellars in the town. Ice that formed in winter was stocked until summer in huge, stone wells specially dug for the purpose. The ice was then transported to the cities of Marseilles and Toulon throughout the summer months.
Visitors can enjoy touring the pretty little ice museum in the village centre and discovering the fully-restored Glacière de Pivaut ice cellar in the neighbouring forest.


83136   Mazaugues

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Dernière mise à jour des informations le 21/10/2023


83136   Mazaugues