Agay Soleil Restaurant

In a friendly and joyful atmosphere, come to savour grilled wolf, bourride of burbot, aioli, paella, suggestions of fishes cool, meat, pizza and mussels. Sea view.
In a friendly and joyful atmosphere, come to savour grilled wolf, bourride of burbot, aioli, paella, suggestions of fishes cool, meat, pizza and mussels. From May 23rd, local fishing.

Also take advantage of a panoramic terrace with an exceptional view on the sea of Agay.

Open to all (even to people from the outside) the restaurant is situated inside the Camping Agay Soleil.

Agay Soleil Restaurant

1652 boulevard de la plage

83530   Agay

04 94 17 39 83

Useful information


From 01/03 to 01/11, daily.

Dernière mise à jour des informations le 26/10/2023

Agay Soleil Restaurant

1652 boulevard de la plage

83530   Agay

04 94 17 39 83